Thursday, January 27, 2011

DOTS! and dots and dots and dots.

In class on Tuesday, along with working on our 3D sculptures, (mine's a Brussels sprout! more on that later though) we worked on some elements of 2D design. The project was to first get different sized dots, and randomly drop them onto a large sheet of paper, and then find three 5"x5" squares that contained composition that was pleasing to the eye. Then we were to glue them to small pieces of paper and discuss. After we discussed the initial three, we were sent back to make two more: one that had very little illusion of depth, and one that was purposely planned out to be pleasing to the eye. The point of the random dots was to see patterns that our minds may not have been able to plan out itself. Usually when strategically placing dots, your mind follows a few set patterns and it hard to get away from them, so the purpose was to avoid that with the first three squares.

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