Thursday, March 10, 2011

Lecture Homework.

This is my niece Emma. I was over at their house with half a roll of B&W film that I needed to use up so I could develop it, so I decided to shoot a few photos of them, snapshots really. I chose it for this assignment because it was kinda offhandedly taken, and it came out well. It is pretty significant to me because she is growing up really fast, and it captured a moment in her childhood really well. Since she is my first niece ever, it was influenced by my love for her, and taken in a candid way. It was a genuine smile and the mood was light. The photo is intended to be viewed by whoever, and in a just looking kind of way. I will probably still remember this photo in ten years, just because it is my niece.

This is a photo of me taken by my good friend and roommate Deborah. It was taken at a costume party that we had before we went back to school in the fall. I was an African queen. I kept it as a reminder of the memory of that night, whic was a really fun night, and I chose it for this assignment because it's not a typical picture of me. The emotional relationship between us a really good friendship, and that influenced the mock-seriousness in the photo, because we are always goofing around. The photo was intended to be viewed after the party, and by close friends. I may not remember this photo in ten years unless I come across it accidentally.

This is a photo of a stranger I found on Flickr. I'm not sure why the photo was taken, but it may have been to capture a moment that he/she didn't want to lose. I chose it for this assignment because it looked more personal than a lot of photos that are commercially produced. It has no significance in my life other than just being interesting to look at. The photographer looks like it was somebody who could have been friends with the subjects ( and if you look at the angle of the photo, is either really tall, or the man in the picture is holding up the camera to take a self- portrait) I look at it as a quick candid shot, which is full of fun and happiness. The photographer seems to like the subject pretty well, and vice versa. I think that the photo is intended to be viewed by everyone (or else why would it be on Flickr?!) I probably won't remember this photo in ten years.

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